Prevention and health specialists and organizations now have two options for selecting their evidence-based, single-session Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs and training.
The original option is to order a PPW program manual with digital download of reproducible materials and a separate online self-paced program implementer training for each instructor.
This option is a good choice for small purchases of one or two program manuals.
A second option is to order an Unlimited PPW Program & Training License which allows you and your organization limitless access to an online PPW program manual with digital download of reproducible materials as well as unlimited access to the PPW Program Implementer Training Portal.
This option is best when ordering three or more program manuals or when you’d like to share access to your PPW program and training widely to an unlimited number of prevention specialists, teachers, coaches, youth leaders and others in your organization or region.
Learn more about the Unlimited PPW Program & Training License:
Contact us with questions: or call: (904) 472-5022.