PPW T-Shirt Slogan Contest Winners

PPW T-Shirt Slogan Contest Winners

Thanks to all who took time to participate in Prevention Plus Wellness’s recent T-Shirt Slogan Contest. 

The top winning slogans by percentage of vote were: 

· Keep a Clear Mind & Fit Body: 36%

·  Choose Wellness Over Drugs: 35%

·  Move to Live: 31%

·  Breathe Deep: 30% 

The majority of participants wanted a slogan along with an illustration (68%) and wanted to see these slogans on stickers too (63%). 

Sign up on our website to receive updates on new products such as t-shirts and stickers: https://preventionpluswellness.us5.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=650c41a6e7729bd731717a65b&id=44c09e0059

PPW Stickers: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/healthy-behavior-aroma-stickers

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