New York State Certified Prevention Plus Wellness Program Implementer & Training of Trainer Workshop

New York State Certified Prevention Plus Wellness Program Implementer & Training of Trainer Workshop

Dear Friends and Colleagues, 

I am pleased to announce we are planning on hosting an Onsite SPORT and InShape Prevention Plus Wellness Program Implementer’s and Training of Trainer’s Workshop on March 29, 2018 at 219 Front Street, Binghamton, NY. 

This training will include the:

• SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Program, and the
• InShape Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Program, 

Workshop participants will gain knowledge, skills and confidence to implement, and/or train others to implement, SPORT and InShape PPW. 

Participants may include prevention and health professionals, as well as youth leaders who might provide these programs to their younger peers.

SPORT and InShape PPW are the nation’s only evidence-based substance use prevention programs that promote physically active and healthy lifestyles and positive identities of youth and young adults using single-session screening and brief interventions. 

You can learn more about these unique programs and training at:

The training schedule is listed below:

1. Introduction & Knowledge Instruction in SPORT/InShape Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Programs: 2 hours and everyone is invited. Free.

2. SPORT/InShape PPW Certified Program Implementer's Training: 2-3 hours ($499/program/person, and $399 early registration discounted price)

3. SPORT PPW Certified Training of Trainer: 2-3 hours ($999/program/person, and $899 early registration discounted price)

• Total training 7-8 hours in length

• Call to get discounted prices (904) 472-5022 

Please contact the program developer if you have questions or wish to register and get the reduced-rate early registration prices: 

Chudley Edward Werch, PhD, President, Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC: 904-472-5022,

I hope you’ll join me for this rare training event. Please share this information with others in the region and state. Thank you.

Kristin Canjura
Lourdes Youth Services
Opioid STR Prevention Specialist

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