Free PPW Programs & Training for Partnering Organizations

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) is looking for prevention and health organizations that work with multiple schools, health clinics, sports programs or other community organizations serving adolescents to partner with us to evaluate our evidence-based SPORT (Alcohol/Drug) PPW program or one of its variations.

PPW programs are one-session youth substance use/misuse prevention interventions designed to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors associated with mental and physical wellbeing.

The partnering organization(s) will receive free PPW program materials and online self-paced program implementer training, as well as implementation and evaluation consultation.

We are looking for organizations that can commit to implementing and evaluating a single 30-45-minute individual PPW-SBIRT or group administered PPW program for high school or middle school-aged adolescents.

The evaluation design for this collaboration will include:

  1. Two or more sites (e.g., schools, school districts, sports programs, clinics, wellness centers, YMCAs, school/sport physical exam settings, etc.)
  2. Administration of an online pretest and a 3-12-month posttest survey to all participating youth
  3. Brief online instructor surveys to be completed after each program implementation
  4. Zoom meetings with key staff to set up and track program implementation and evaluation timeline milestones
  5. (Preferred) Comparison site(s) which will receive the pretest-posttest surveys only, but can be provided the PPW program afterward, or health education materials

The partnering organization(s) will receive complementary online self-paced PPW program implementer training for all participating implementers/facilitators as well as access to online PPW program manuals for one year.

Youth incentives for participation may be available. Participating organization(s) will receive a report of the evaluation findings.

Programs available for evaluation include:

  1. SPORT (Alcohol/Drug) PPW
  2. SPORT Alcohol & Cannabis PPW
  3. Marijuana PPW
  4. Opioid PPW
  5. Vaping (E-Cigarette) PPW

Participating organizations will sign a partnership agreement.

Let us know if you’d like to set up a brief Zoom call to discuss details.

For more information:, or call: (904) 472-5022.