Online Youth Substance Use Prevention Program Survey

Online Youth Substance Use Prevention Program Survey

Want to quickly test what positive effects your substance use prevention program lesson had on participating youth or young adults?  

We created a free online survey that can be quickly used by any prevention or health specialist or organization to evaluate key outcomes of their prevention lesson or strategy. 

Measures include these two recognized predictors of substance use and other health behaviors: 

1) Behavioral intentions to engage in substance use and healthy behaviors, and

2) Perceived harmfulness of substance use. 

These two items assess five substance use behaviors and four wellness behaviors. 

In addition, two open ended items are included to get vital feedback from your participants as to what they liked and didn’t like from your program. 

Just have your youth or young adults complete the 2-minute survey before and after you implement your program lesson or strategy and you’ll be able to see if you reduced youth intentions to use alcohol and drugs and increased perceptions of harmfulness if they used them. 

You’ll also be able to see if you increased intentions to participate in protective wellness behaviors. 

This pre-post program survey takes only a couple of minutes to complete but will provide you with a wealth of critical information for promoting and improving your program. 

You can use this survey to assess the effects of your Prevention Plus Wellness program session or any prevention activity. 

We can send you a personalized link to the survey and if you’d like we can provide a written description of pre-post program changes. 

View the Online Youth Substance Use Prevention Program Survey: 

Contact us for more info or to request a personalized survey link for your organization: or (904) 472-5022 

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