Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC is partnering with MVP360 Leadership Development Programs, Inc. to empower youth to become leaders and productive members of society by providing equal opportunity for athletics and educational programs, including substance use Prevention Plus Wellness interventions.
“MVP” stands for Motives, Values, and Personality.
Both MVP360 and PPW believe in utilizing instructional and developmental sports as a way to create a path to success.
Both MVP360 and PPW believe that understanding motives, values and personality in life will increase the likelihood of maintaining focus through adversity.
In addition, we believe the moto “Rise Up! Be All That You Dream” is a fitting directive for youth and young adults across America and the World.
Lastly, we at Prevention Plus Wellness support MVP360’s efforts to engage the “Total Person” through education and career development, social and emotional wellbeing, and health and physical literacy, such as Prevention Plus Wellness programs and training.
Learn more about MPV360 initiatives:
Learn more about Prevention Plus Wellness programs and training: