According to SAMHSA’s Student Assistance: A Guide for School Administrators (2019), Student Assistance Programs (SAPs) provide an effective means to address substance use and mental health concerns through prevention and intervention services.
Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) provides a wide range of prevention and intervention programs for students in 3rd-12th grades and college, as well as training for school personnel and community-based prevention and health professionals.
PPW program characteristics match with SAP requirements, including that they:
- Are evidence-based brief interventions
- Can be implemented in a single 45-minute session
- Can be implemented to youth individually, in groups, or virtually
- Are tailored to youth’s individual self-image and behavioral health needs and interests
- Can be provided as universal, selective, and indicated strategies
- Can be implemented to prevent alcohol, marijuana, e-cigarette, stimulants, and opioid use/misuse
- Can be used to target healthy lifestyle behaviors to improve mental and physical wellbeing
- Are easily administered using scripted protocols and powerpoint slides
- Can be evaluated using customized links to online pretest and posttest surveys
- Contain optional one-session parent training programs
- Contain optional school and community-wide multi-media campaigns
In addition, flexible training opportunities to gain the knowledge, confidence, and skills to implement PPW programs as SAPs is offered in the following convenient formats:
- Online self-paced courses
- Live online group training workshops
- Onsite group training workshops
View SAMHSA’s Student Assistance Guide:
Learn more about PPW SAP resources: