A study published in the Journal of Drug Issues (2021) examined the impact of school-based programs, school-based activities, and community-based activities on marijuana use among adolescents.
A binary logistic regression analysis was conducted, using a sample of 16,509 adolescents from the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH).
Results showed that adolescents are less likely to use marijuana if they participate in school-based programs, school-based activities, and community-based activities.
One such marijuana prevention use program, SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW), is an evidence-based single-session screening and brief intervention found to prevent marijuana, tobacco and alcohol use among adolescents while significantly increasing their physical activity.
The Marijuana Prevention Plus Wellness program is an adaptation of the SPORT PPW program designed to provide youth with motivational messages and goal setting promoting youth physical activity and sports, healthy nutrition, sleep and stress control while addressing how cannabis use harms achieving healthy behaviors and self-images.
Both the SPORT and Marijuana Prevention Plus Wellness program are used as universal, selective and indicated marijuana and other drug use prevention programs across the US by schools, coalitions, youth groups, sports organizations, juvenile justice, community agencies, parents and others to prevent youth cannabis use and promote protective fitness and health behaviors.
View the research abstract: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/00220426211037272
Learn more about Prevention Plus Wellness: https://preventionpluswellness.com