2 New Studies Show Multiple Health Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents

2 New Studies Show Multiple Health Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents

Two new studies show the varied, interrelated health risks among youth across the world.  Both studies are briefly described below. 

Study #1: Multiple Health Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents 

Research published online in UWSpace (University of Waterloo) examined prevalence of overweight/obesity among youth aged 12-17 years old in Canada. 

Chronic disease risk behaviors (CDRB) associated with obesity, of which personal factors play a dominant role, include physical activity, binge drinking, cigarette smoking, dietary habits and sedentary behavior. 

Read the study abstract: https://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/handle/10012/14909 

Study #2: Cannabis Use and Sedentary Lifestyle Among Adolescents 

A study published in Addictive Behaviors examined associations between cannabis use and leisure-time sedentary behavior (LTSB) among adolescents from 24 low to middle-income countries. 

The author’s reported frequent cannabis use is associated with increased odds for being more sedentary in adolescence.  

Read the study abstract: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306460319305349 

Together these studies show that adolescents throughout the world are at risk for multiple, interrelated health risks which are linked to negative mental and physical outcomes. 

Programs that simultaneously address substance abuse and chronic disease risk behavior prevention are needed to impact multiple health risks common among youth in the US and across the globe.  

Learn what Prevention Plus Wellness is doing to help address this problem among youth and young adults: http://preventionpluswellness.com 

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