Brief Interventions Reduce Alcohol Use among Adolescents

Brief Interventions Reduce Alcohol Use among Adolescents

This new study provides more evidence of the benefits of using brief interventions to prevent substance use among adolescents. 

A review of research published in the Journal of Pediatrics examined the effects of a brief alcohol intervention among adolescents in primary care settings. 

The authors concluded that current evidence shows both indicated and universal brief interventions can result in clinically important changes in alcohol outcomes among adolescents.  

Possible mechanisms for change included: 

  • Eliciting and strengthening motivation to change
  • Providing direction through interpretation
  • Peer risk 

These results indicate that brief interventions can be successfully implemented for all adolescents as universal prevention interventions, as well as among youth with higher risk for experiencing alcohol problems.  

Universal prevention program settings can include school health and PE classes, after school programs, school sports, school and sport physical exams, Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCAs, community recreation and sports programs, colleges, summer camps, hospitals and clinics, and faith-based organizations. 

Indicated and selective prevention program settings and situations include school behavior and substance use infractions, juvenile justice, and treatment and recovery centers.  

Brief interventions that integrate the promotion of fitness and heath with substance use prevention have been shown to impact broader health outcomes among youth and young adults, and can increase program acceptance, participation and support over those narrowly targeting alcohol or substance use alone. 

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Read the entire study abstract:

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