Maximize your regional and state opioid use disorder funding to get free Prevention Plus Wellness programs that address other substance abuse issues among your youth and young adults, including alcohol, marijuana and vaping prevention.
Buy any version of the evidence-informed Opioid Prevention Plus Wellness Program (for adolescents, high risk men or high risk women) and get any same priced other substance use Prevention Plus Wellness program for FREE.
Choose from among our evidence-based SPORT and InShape Prevention Plus Wellness programs for youth and young adults, as well as our Vaping Prevention Plus Wellness, Marijuana Prevention Plus Wellness, and SPORT 2 Prevention Plus Wellness programs for youth.
Add online training to become a certified Opioid Prevention Plus Wellness Program Implementer or Trainer and receive a FREE same priced online training workshop for any of our other Prevention Plus Wellness programs.
Fight opioid use addiction in your community and get free programs and training to address harmful underage alcohol, e-cigarette and marijuana use at the same time.
Prevention Plus Wellness provides unique evidence-based practices screening and brief interventions that integrate substance abuse prevention with the promotion of protective wellness behaviors, including physical activity, healthy eating, sleep and stress control.
This is a limited time BOGO offer, so contact us today: or (904) 472-5022.
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"The opposite of substance use isn't non-use,
it's wellness!"