InShape Prevention Plus Wellness Program Associated with Improved Substance Abuse and Health Indicators Among Young Adults

InShape Prevention Plus Wellness Program Associated with Improved Substance Abuse and Health Indicators Among Young Adults

Prevention Plus Wellness recently partnered with a US Air Force Base to implement the InShape Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program to small groups of their Airmen. 

Identical surveys were collected before and after the single-session InShape PPW lesson.  After the lesson, behavioral intentions measures showed Airmen were some to very likely to: 

  • Get physical activity most days a week (94%)
  • Get 8 or more hours of sleep most nights (80%)
  • Eat a variety of healthy foods each day (92%)

 Airmen were also not at all likely to: 

  • Drink any alcohol (49%)
  • Smoke any cigarettes (89%)
  • Use any marijuana (94%)
  • Use any e-cigarettes (74%) 

After the lesson, measures of perceived harm indicated Airmen believed “yes” that the following substances would harm their health or healthy habits:

  • Alcohol (71%)
  • Cigarettes (89%)
  • Marijuana (71%)
  • E-cigarettes (77%)
  • Other illegal drugs (80%) 

Also after the lesson, measures of resistance self-efficacy showed Airmen were sure they could say NO to friends who asked them to use: 

  • Alcohol (71%)
  • Cigarettes (91%)
  • Marijuana (91%)
  • E-cigarettes (89%)
  • Other illegal drugs (91%) 

Pre-to-post lesson improvements were found on the following measures among Airmen: 

  • Increased intentions to get physical activity most days a week
  • Increased intentions to get 8 or more hours sleep most nights
  • Increased intentions to eat a variety of healthy foods each day
  • Decreased intentions to use any cigarettes
  • Increased perceived harm from using alcohol
  • Increased perceived harm from using marijuana
  • Increased perceived harm from using e-cigarettes
  • Increased perceived harm from using other illegal drugs
  • Increased resistance self-efficacy to say NO to e-cigarette use offers 

Written comments from Airmen about what they liked about the InShape Prevention Plus Wellness program included: 

  • Made me think of what things I could be doing better in my life
  • Reminded me of important things I had pushed aside
  • Learning self-discipline/motivation to be more healthy and make better decisions
  • Learning the negative impact that certain foods and drinks have on the body
  • The connection between mental and physical activity
  • How to establish a healthy lifestyle
  • Suggestions for healthier lifestyle goals
  • The stress reducing techniques
  • Make me rethink my values and what I should look for in friends
  • It was motivating and made me want to exercise and sleep more and eat more healthy foods 

Learn more about InShape PPW: 

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"The opposite of substance use isn't non-use,
it's wellness!"

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