Marijuana Use Prevention at PPW

Marijuana Use Prevention at PPW

At Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW), you have three options for youth marijuana use prevention strategies. 

One, is the single-session, evidence-informed youth Marijuana Prevention Plus Wellness program: 

This program includes a manual with scripts to present your lesson to youth individually or in a group using downloadable program slides and reproducible materials. 

Second, is the single-session Parent Marijuana PPW Program: 

This program includes lesson slides to show to parents and caregivers of youth along with implementation instructions and parent materials. 

Both the Marijuana PPW and Parent Marijuana PPW programs include recommended online or in-person training for program implementers and training of trainers. 

Third, is the Marijuana Prevention Plus Wellness Media Campaign: 

This ready-to-deliver campaign highlights the theme of “Living a Fit and Active Lifestyle” and includes print, online and social media materials that you or your youth can customize and add your logo to for presentation throughout your entire school district or county. 

Together, all three Prevention Plus Wellness programs ensure you can prevent youth cannabis use using evidence-informed prevention content and positive images that emphasize developing healthy lifestyles promoting youth mental and physical wellbeing. 

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