There are two single-session evidence-based cannabis and alcohol use prevention programs listed on the Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development registry.
These programs include the SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program for youth and the InShape Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program for young adults (Search by program title:
Both PPW programs are also designed to promote protective wellness behaviors like physical activity, healthy nutrition and sleep of young people, thereby improving their overall fitness and well-being.
In addition, both SPORT and InShape Prevention Plus Wellness are listed as effectively preventing youth marijuana use in Using Prevention Research to Guide Prevention Practice (SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies, 2017):
The SPORT and InShape PPW programs are also listed as research-based programs for preventing cannabis use among youth in Preventing and Treating Marijuana Use: An Updated Review of the Evidence (Washington State Institute for Public Policy, 2014):
Furthermore, SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness is included on the Excellence in Prevention Strategy List for Washington State prevention providers ( as well as on other state and national evidence-based programs registries.
As such both programs, but especially the SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness program, are being used widely throughout Washington and in all 50 US states as a preferred youth cannabis and alcohol use prevention strategy.
Finally, SPORT and InShape Prevention Plus Wellness are screening and brief interventions which are designated by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration as evidence-based practices:
Read more about research supporting SPORT PPW program’s effectiveness:
Read more about research supporting InShape PPW program’s effectiveness:
For more information, or (904) 472-5022.