Online Prevention Plus Wellness Programs

Online Prevention Plus Wellness Programs

We’ve been asked by several prevention professionals recently if we have any Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs in online format.  Currently, we don’t. 

But we are seriously thinking of translating some of our most popular programs into easy to implement online versions for youth and young adults. 

We’d love to hear WHICH PPW program(s) you’d like to see translated for use online, for example: 

  1. SPORT (Alcohol/Drug) PPW
  2. SPORT 3 (3-lesson) PPW
  3. InShape (Alcohol/Drug) PPW for young adults
  4. Marijuana PPW
  5. Vaping (E-Cigarette) PPW
  6. Opioid PPW 

And for WHAT age group: 

  1. Elementary school
  2. Middle School
  3. High School
  4. Young Adult 

If you’d like us to adapt any of our PPW programs into online applications, just return this email with your comments or send your suggestions to:  

Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

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