STOP Coalition Making a Difference in Preventing Youth Substance Use

STOP Coalition Making a Difference in Preventing Youth Substance Use

One of our favorite new prevention partners is Angela Sparks, Executive Director, and her colleagues at STOP: Strong Through Our Plan Coalition.       

STOP is committed to serving and mobilizing communities around issues of substance abuse in order to promote community well-being and a high quality of life free from the impact of substance abuse and its adverse effects. 

The STOP Coalition provides family-focused and community-based substance abuse prevention and recovery services, including assisting and supporting organizations to add drug and alcohol prevention such as after-school programs and summer day camps. 

Their purpose is community facilitation and mobilization for the common cause of substance abuse prevention primarily in Mingo County, West Virginia. 

Their commitment to preventing youth substance use in West Virginia includes implementation of the evidence-based SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness program to youth in the school systems throughout the region.     

Angela and her colleagues at STOP are tremendously devoted and talented professionals who are making a significant difference in protecting and improving the health and well-being of youth and families in West Virginia.  

It is our pleasure and honor to be partnering with them in achieving their critical substance use prevention and recovery mission.
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