Youth Prevention and Wellness Blog

Webinar: Addressing Prevention and Wellness in the Opioid Epidemic

Webinar: Addressing Prevention and Wellness in ...

Webinar Objectives:  Describe the scope of the opioid epidemic in the US. Explain the need for preventing opioid use among youth and young adults. Identify 5 key steps in planning...

Webinar: Addressing Prevention and Wellness in ...

Webinar Objectives:  Describe the scope of the opioid epidemic in the US. Explain the need for preventing opioid use among youth and young adults. Identify 5 key steps in planning...

What's Better than Juuling?

What's Better than Juuling?

This is a brief slide show and pdf slide series highlighting positive alternatives to Juuling and e-cigarette use using the Prevention Plus Wellness Model of integrating substance use prevention with...

What's Better than Juuling?

This is a brief slide show and pdf slide series highlighting positive alternatives to Juuling and e-cigarette use using the Prevention Plus Wellness Model of integrating substance use prevention with...

New Training Opportunities for Prevention Specialists to Promote Youth Wellness

New Training Opportunities for Prevention Speci...

Dear Friends,  You are all invited to attend the free 45-minute Live Online SPORT/InShape PPW Program Implementer Training: Part I this Thursday, May 24th.  The specifics are identified below:  Training...

New Training Opportunities for Prevention Speci...

Dear Friends,  You are all invited to attend the free 45-minute Live Online SPORT/InShape PPW Program Implementer Training: Part I this Thursday, May 24th.  The specifics are identified below:  Training...

Why Drug Use Prevention Providers Should Address Multiple Health Behaviors among Youth

Why Drug Use Prevention Providers Should Addres...

Below are the slides presented at this webinar hosted by Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC on Thursday May 17, 2018.   Please like and share them widely in your region and state. ...

Why Drug Use Prevention Providers Should Addres...

Below are the slides presented at this webinar hosted by Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC on Thursday May 17, 2018.   Please like and share them widely in your region and state. ...

5 Tips to Ensure Your SPORT & InShape PPW Lessons are Fun and Engaging

5 Tips to Ensure Your SPORT & InShape PPW Lesso...

Below are 5 tips to help make your SPORT and InShape Prevention Plus Wellness programs fun and interesting to participating youth and young adults.  When implementing to youth one-on-one, as...

5 Tips to Ensure Your SPORT & InShape PPW Lesso...

Below are 5 tips to help make your SPORT and InShape Prevention Plus Wellness programs fun and interesting to participating youth and young adults.  When implementing to youth one-on-one, as...

The Opioid Epidemic and Youth: Prevention Considerations

The Opioid Epidemic and Youth: Prevention Consi...

An article published last year in CommonHealth, written by two pediatricians who treat addiction, made an argument for the need for a strategy for teens in the opioid epidemic (  ...

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The Opioid Epidemic and Youth: Prevention Consi...

An article published last year in CommonHealth, written by two pediatricians who treat addiction, made an argument for the need for a strategy for teens in the opioid epidemic (  ...

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