5 SPORT Alcohol/Drug Prevention Plus Wellness Programs: Free WebinarSession Objectives:
- Examine key elements of all 5 SPORT PPW programs.
- Determine which program best fits you and your organization’s needs.
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ekDhFehBTxG-gEhEYt5OAQ
Length: 60 minutes
Date: Tuesday May 3rd
Time: 12:00pm ET/9:00am PT
CEU Certificate: CEU certificate available upon completing webinar
3 Marijuana Prevention Plus Wellness Programs: Free Webinar
Session Objectives:
- Examine key elements of all 3 Marijuana PPW programs.
- Determine which program best fits you and your organization’s needs.
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2yfPA-SPR66ppUDkzXzLFw
Length: 60 minutes
Date: Thursday May 5th
Time: 12:00pm ET/9:00am PT
CEU Certificate: CEU certificate available upon completing webinar