8 Evidence-Based and Evidence-Informed Alcohol & Drug Prevention Strategies

8 Evidence-Based and Evidence-Informed Alcohol & Drug Prevention Strategies

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) offers two evidence-based programs and six evidence-informed strategies (adaptations of the two programs) for preventing alcohol and drug use among youth, young adults, and adults.

SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness for Youth

The evidence-based SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness program for youth (high school, middle school and elementary school versions) is a one-session 45-minute motivational presentation that can be provided individually or in groups and is designed to prevent alcohol and drug use while also promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors essential for protecting and improving youth mental health.

Learn more today: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/evidence-based-alcohol-drug-sport-prevention-plus-wellness

The evidence-informed SPORT Alcohol & Cannabis Prevention Plus Wellness program for youth (high school and middle school versions) is a 45-minute single session presentation adapted from the original SPORT PPW program but with added content addressing marijuana use prevention along with promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors.

Learn more today: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/sport-ppw-alcohol-cannabis-program

InShape Prevention Plus Wellness for Young Adults & Adults

The evidence-based InShape Prevention Plus Wellness program for young adults is a 50-minute motivational presentation designed to prevent alcohol and drug misuse as well as promote healthy lifestyle behaviors for improving mental and physical wellbeing.

Learn more today: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/evidence-based-alcohol-drug-inshape-prevention-plus-wellness

The evidence-informed InShape Wellness Lifestyle Training (WLT) program for adults is a one-session 50-minute motivational intervention designed to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors while preventing unhealthy alcohol and drug use. 

Learn more now: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/inshape-wellness-lifestyle-training-wlt

The InShape Wellness Weight Loss (WWL) program for adults is a one-session 50-minute motivational intervention to promote weight loss and weight control through increasing healthy lifestyle behaviors while avoiding unhealthy alcohol and drug use that can sabotage weight loss and maintenance.

Learn more now: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/inshape-wellness-weight-loss-for-adults

Parent Programs & Media Campaigns

The evidence-informed Parent SPORT and InShape Prevention Plus Wellness programs are one-session PowerPoint driven training workshops for presentation to parents to help their youth and young adults avoid alcohol and drug use/misuse while increasing their healthy behaviors using positive communications and healthy behavior goal setting at home.

Learn more about the Parent SPORT PPW program now: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/sport-alcohol-drug-parent-prevention-plus-wellness-program

Learn more about the Parent InShape PPW program now: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/inshape-parent-prevention-plus-wellness-program

The evidence-informed SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness Media Campaign is a ready-to-implement campaign with both print and social media content and materials designed for schools and communities to prevent alcohol and drug use among youth.

Learn more today: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/sport-alcohol-prevention-plus-wellness-media-campaign

All eight of these prevention strategies are founded on the Behavior-Image Model which emphasizes the use of positive future image content to motivate behavioral change positive identity development and multiple health behavior goal setting to initiate behavior improvement and increase self-regulation skills and self-efficacy.

Learn more today: https://preventionpluswellness.com/pages/ppw-logic-model
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