Call for Healthy Lifestyle Behavior and Prevention Organization Partners

Call for Healthy Lifestyle Behavior and Prevention Organization Partners

Multiple lifestyle behaviors like physical inactivity and excess screen time, skipping breakfast and the lack of fruit and vegetable consumption, inadequate and poor-quality sleep, uncontrolled daily stress, and substance use are associated with substance use disorders and mental health problems among youth and adults.

Unfortunately, many substance use prevention interventions, campaigns and policies narrowly target just substance use habits, leaving out other critical lifestyle behaviors which can enhance substance use prevention effectiveness and improve the mental and physical wellbeing, productivity, and happiness of young people. 

At Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW), we want to leverage our mission to provide holistic substance use prevention with wellness promotion programs by recognizing and partnering with other substance use organizations dedicated to improving multiple health behaviors to promote more holistic substance use prevention in our communities, country and world.

We are inviting substance use prevention programs, organizations and agencies that target the promotion of one or more healthy lifestyle behaviors, such as physical activity and sports, healthy eating patterns, sleep, or stress control to send us a brief description or website link detailing your multi-behavior prevention efforts for inclusion on a new Healthy Lifestyle Behavior and Prevention Partners website page we are creating.

Our hope is that by promoting your holistic prevention efforts we can encourage others to broaden their substance use prevention to include other lifestyle behaviors critical to the mental and physical wellbeing of individuals and communities.

For more information or to submit information detailing your substance use prevention program, campaign or policy that promotes healthy lifestyles among youth or adults: or call: (904) 472-5022.

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