Prevention Program Pilot Study Partnership Opportunity
Prevention and health organizations and coalitions interested in partnering with Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) to conduct a pilot study evaluating the substance use and healthy behavior outcomes of a PPW program are encouraged to contact us.
Selected partners will receive a free Unlimited PPW Program & Training license for one year and a discounted second year license upon successful study completion.
PPW programs are brief youth substance use/misuse prevention interventions designed to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors associated with mental and physical wellbeing.
We are particularly interested in organizations that can commit to implementing and evaluating a single 45-minute PPW program to adolescents in groups (e.g., classrooms).
The evaluation design for pilot study must include:
- A minimum of 200 adolescents from one or more schools, school districts, sports programs, clinics, wellness centers, YMCAs, etc.
- Administration of an online pretest to all participants immediately prior to implementing the PPW program and a posttest three months after program implementation.
- Completion of a brief online instructor survey by all program implementers immediately after each program presentation.
- Regular email communication with a designated lead staff member to set up and track the achievement of program implementation and survey administration milestones with PPW.
One-session programs available for pilot study include:
- SPORT (Alcohol/Drug) PPW
- SPORT Alcohol & Cannabis PPW
- Marijuana PPW
- Opioid PPW
- Vaping (E-Cigarette) PPW
Participating organizations will be asked to sign a partnership agreement.
Email us your proposed pilot study design, including describing your: a) study participants, b) setting, and c) selected PPW program.
For more information, email us at: or call: (904) 472-5022.