We now have a webpage dedicated to providing Program Implementers with instructions and tools to provide Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Programs with fidelity and maximum effectiveness.
This page is going to be the home for sharing tips and suggestions on how to best implement PPW Programs in various settings and with various populations.
We also want to list successful implementers who are willing to serve as contacts to provide insights on how to successfully implement PPW Programs to new implementers.
If you have used any of our PPW Programs, we need your help.
Please send us your:
- Name, organization, email, phone number and PPW Program you’ve implemented if you’d like to be listed as a contact to share your knowledge of how to successfully implement PPW Programs with new Program Implementers, and/or
- Tips or suggestions that have worked for you to implement PPW Programs with success. Send us a picture of you in action providing a PPW Program too!
Send in your tips, suggestions, pictures and/or contact information to: info@preventionpluswellness.com
Check out the new webpage today: https://preventionpluswellness.com/pages/certifiied-program-implementer-instructions-and-tools
Thank you for all you do to promote fit, healthy and drug-free lifestyles among youth and young adults in your region and state!
Please like and share with others in your region and state. Thank you!