Certified Program Implementer Instructions and Resources
Welcome Certified Prevention Plus Wellness Program Implementers! This page was created to help you successfully implement your Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Program during your 3-year certification period.
Listed below are the steps and tools for implementing and evaluating your PPW Program with fidelity and effectiveness.
Steps for Implementing & Evaluating Your PPW Program
- Prior to implementing your Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Program to youth or young adults, practice both the individual (one-on-one) and group scripts three times, using the program’s PowerPoint slides, goal plan, feedback form and implementer chart.
- Make copies of the screening survey, goal plan and feedback survey for all participants from the digital downloads provided.
- In a private or semi-private setting, implement the program using the selected script while showing the PowerPoint slides.
- When done, read the goal plan with the participant(s), and help them complete and sign it and take it home for daily monitoring.
- Administer and then collect and staple together the feedback and screening survey from all participants.
- Complete an implementer survey and monitor for quality of your program implementation.
- Download the PPW Program Fidelity Excel spreadsheet and enter the screening and feedback survey data.
- Email the completed spreadsheet to Prevention Plus Wellness for program monitoring feedback on fidelity, ways to improve your program, and positive outcomes you can communicate to key stakeholders: info@preventionpluswellness.com (call for assistance: 904-472-5022).
- Market your program and make improvements or tailor your program based on the program monitoring feedback and implementer chart results.
- Use the Prevention Plus Wellness Program Fidelity Checklist to ensure you are implementing your PPW program with fidelity.
- Follow up with participants by reminding them to monitor the achievement of their goals each day, and revise goals as needed to ensure success. Share with participants content from the Healthy Lifestyle Guidelines for Youth and Young Adult Goal Setting.
- Maintain your certification by attending a PPW Program Implementers Workshop every three-years.
PPW Program Implementer Resources
- SPORT PPW Program Fidelity Excel Spreadsheet
- InShape PPW Program Fidelity Excel Spreadsheet
- Healthy Lifestyle Guidelines for Youth and Young Adult Goal Setting
- Promoting Your PPW Program
Not a Certified Prevention Plus Wellness Program Implementer yet? Take the easy live online training workshop today: https://preventionpluswellness.com/collections/live-online-ppw-program-training/products/live-online-certified-program-implementer-training