The purpose of this grant program is to support a comprehensive public health and evidence-based approach that: (1) enhances behavioral health services for all college students, including those at risk for suicide, depression, serious mental illness (SMI)/serious emotional disturbances (SED), and/or substance use disorders that can lead to school failure; (2) prevents and reduces suicide and mental and substance use disorders; (3) promotes help-seeking behavior and reduces stigma; and (4) improves the identification and treatment of at-risk college students so they can successfully complete their studies.
This funding may be used to implement the evidence-based InShape Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program for young adults.
InShape PPW is a substance use prevention program that promotes healthy behaviors associated with improved mental health.
For more information about InShape PPW:
Contact PPW for technical assistance in budgeting InShape PPW programs and online program implementer training for this grant opportunity.
Learn more about the grant: