Cannabis Using Parents Want More Information to Present to Their Youth

Cannabis Using Parents Want More Information to Present to Their Youth

New research shows that marijuana-using caregivers presented positive attitudes and beliefs about marijuana and wanted more scientific information about how to parent in marijuana-positive environments.

A study published in the Journal of Child and Families Studies (2023) used content analysis to examine what messages caregivers convey to their children about marijuana use, whether caregivers perceive barriers to such communication, whether they disclose their own use, and level of interest in supports or caregiving resources.

Participants were recruited through paid Facebook and Instagram ads. 

Results indicated that most caregivers conveyed largely positive messages about marijuana to their children, including marijuana as medicine, natural, and conditionally acceptable to use.

Negative messages included caregivers instructing their teen not to use marijuana and that marijuana use is bad and/or unhealthy for children/teens.

The majority of caregivers disclosed their own use to their children, and generally did not endorse barriers to communication.

Approximately half of caregivers identified a desire for more tangible and applicable communication skills based on scientific evidence to facilitate conversations with their children about marijuana.

Read the entire study abstract and access the full text:


Learn more about the evidence-informed Marijuana Parent Prevention Plus Wellness program:
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