Delaware to Provide SPORT PPW Programs

Delaware to Provide SPORT PPW Programs

The Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth & Their Families (DSCYF) is planning on providing the evidence-based SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program to their high school and middle school youth. 

The DSCYF purchased Unlimited PPW Program & Training Licenses allowing 3-years access to both the SPORT PPW high and middle school program manuals and digital downloads, as well as the opportunity to invite anyone to become trained as a program implementer via the PPW Program Implementer Training Portal. 

The Unlimited PPW Licenses will allow DSCYF to increase their prevention footprint by training and providing materials to a limitless number of prevention and health professionals, teachers, coaches, youth leaders and others during the 3-year period. 

The DSCYF also plans to use PPW’s online pretest and posttest surveys to assess and monitor program effectiveness over time. 

Learn more about the DSCYF: 

Learn more about the Unlimited PPW Program & Training License:

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