Fairchild Airforce Base Airmen Receive Training to Implement InShape Prevention Plus Wellness

Fairchild Airforce Base Airmen Receive Training to Implement InShape Prevention Plus Wellness

Congratulations to the unit leaders who received live online training today to implement the evidence-based InShape Prevention Plus Wellness screening and brief intervention to prevent substance abuse and promote wellness behaviors among US Airforce personnel at Fairchild in Washington state. 

Fairchild AFB is home to a wide variety of units and missions.  Most prominent is its air refueling mission.  

We are sincerely grateful to the dedication and service these men and women perform for the safety and security of the US, and for partnering with Prevention Plus Wellness to protect and promote the fitness, health and readiness of the airmen at Fairchild Airforce Base. 

Learn more about Fairchild AFB: https://www.fairchild.af.mil/ 

Learn more about InShape Prevention Plus Wellness: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/is-inshape-for-young-adults-program 

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