Free Prevention Plus Wellness Program Upgraded Digital Downloads for Online Presentation

Free Prevention Plus Wellness Program Upgraded Digital Downloads for Online Presentation

Due to the extraordinary times we are all experiencing, we wanted to provide Prevention Plus Wellness providers who are currently using our programs and have received Program Implementer training with free upgraded digital downloads allowing presentation of your program live online. 

The new PPW program downloads include protocols to provide your program live online, revised PowerPoint slides allowing more interactive presentation online, and an online program goal plan/contract which allows prevention professionals and organizations to monitor goal setting and program feedback from participating youth and young adults. 

All new purchases of PPW programs and training will include upgraded materials and instruction in providing our programs both face-to-face as well as online. 

Request your PPW program downloads today: or (904) 472-5022. 

We are also providing free 1-hour live Prevention Plus Wellness Program Online Strategies Training for professionals who wish to learn how to best provide their PPW program online. 

Our next training session is listed below. 

Prevention Plus Wellness Program Online Strategies Training: Free Training Webinar

Session Objectives:

  1. Describe step-by-step methods for providing Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs live online to youth individually and in groups.
  2. List step-by-step methods for providing PPW programs by recorded video.
  3. Explore tools for monitoring and evaluating online PPW program quality and efctiveness.
  4. Identify PPW program online follow-up strategies, training and resources.


Length: 60 minutes 

Date: Wednesday April 8th      

Time: 11:30am ET/8:30am PT 

CEU Certificate: CEU certificate available upon completing webinar and requesting certificate

Learn more: 

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