Happiness, Healthy Behaviors & Mental Health

Happiness, Healthy Behaviors & Mental Health

Eating healthy and engaging in physical activity positively influences happiness, according to a new study published in Nutrients (2022).

This study used data from the second cycle of the Abu Dhabi Quality of Life survey.

Results found eating healthy food is significantly associated with both happiness and self-perception of health. In addition, “often doing physical activities” positively influences happiness. 

Furthermore, self-perception of health mediates between happiness and other variables of physical activity, eating healthy, and mental feelings. 

The results reflect the belief that happy people are more likely to feel healthier, show positive mental feelings, live a healthy lifestyle by exercising correctly and avoid eating unhealthy food.


The authors concluded that policymakers in the different social sectors are encouraged to envision and design more innovative physical activities and healthy eating behaviors to enhance happiness and health perception.

Focusing more on happiness and quality of life as outcomes from engaging in healthy lifestyle behaviors, while avoiding substance use/misuse, could increase youth and adult motivation for change and the efficacy of prevention and wellness programs.

Read the study article: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/14/1/55
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