How Adolescent Alcohol Use and Unhealthy Eating Behaviors are Linked

How Adolescent Alcohol Use and Unhealthy Eating Behaviors are Linked

A new paper in the journal Nutrients describes a systematic review of research on adolescent alcohol and unhealthy eating behaviors. 

This compilation of published research, like many such studies before it, provides evidence linking substance use and chronic disease risk behaviors among youth. 

One of five main themes generated from the review’s analysis was that adolescents ages 10-17 tend to demonstrate identity through their alcohol and food choices. 

A key conclusion by the review’s authors was that interventions targeting late childhood to early adulthood should “…link rather than separate out food and alcohol consumption” (pg. 12).  

The evidence-based SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program is an example of a how a single intervention can successfully integrate alcohol and other drug use with healthy eating, as well as exercise, sleep and stress control. 

SPORT PPW accomplishes this with content that triggers positive desired images and other benefits to youth if they regularly eat healthy and engage in other wellness-promoting behaviors. 

It also illustrates how alcohol and other substance use interferes with achieving desirable identities and positive behaviors. 

Read the entire research paper’s finding:

Learn more about the SPORT PPW program: 

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"The opposite of substance use isn't non-use,
it's wellness!"

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