Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Parent programs are our original evidence-based youth programs adapted for presentation to parents and caregivers.
These include programs to prevent marijuana, e-cigarette, alcohol, and opioid use/misuse among young people.
Each PPW Parent program consists of a one-session PowerPoint-driven workshop for parents/caregivers presented by a prevention and health professional or trained parent.
PPW Parent programs are designed to help parents/caregivers gain the knowledge, confidence, and skills to provide brief multiple health behavior messages and goal planning experiences for their youth which address substance use prevention and wellness behavior promotion.
Each PPW Parent program includes:
- PowerPoint training slides with notes,
- Instructor directions, and
- Parent guide to present to parents and caregivers in your organization or region.
A convenient and brief online self-paced training course is available for individuals who wish to provide PPW Parent program workshops in their community.
To request a program sample to review: or call: (904) 472-5022. For more information, go to:
Free PPW Parent programs flyer: