How to Best Use the Unlimited PPW Program & Training License

How to Best Use the Unlimited PPW Program & Training License

After purchasing an Unlimited Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Program & Training License, how do you share it across your organization, region or state?  

We recommend the following best practice steps. 

One, make a plan for disseminating your PPW program during the length of your license.  Licenses are available for 2 or 3 years but can ordered for longer periods or extended later.  

Two, send out the link to the PPW Program Implementer Training Portal to allow selected individuals to register and complete the self-paced Program Implementer Training Course(s). 

Three, you can request individuals who completed their Program Implementer Training to send you a copy of their certificate of completion.  This step will ensure everyone you invite will receive the proper training before they are allowed access the PPW program materials.

 Four, send out the link to the digital PPW manual and downloads to those who have been trained as implementers.  PPW program links include a “view” button to access the online PPW program manual (for youth programs) which includes both individual and group scripts for implementation.  The link also includes one or more “download” buttons to copy reproducible and promotional materials to their devices for implementation.  

Five, request from PPW customized URL links and QR codes to the pretest and posttest surveys and Instructor’s Survey to monitor program implementation quality and effectiveness.  Send these links/QR codes to your trained implementers to use to track program implementation success across your region. 

For questions or more information, contact us at: or call us at: (904) 472-5022. 

Learn more about the PPW Program & Training License:

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