How to Implement PPW Programs

How to Implement PPW Programs

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs are implemented in three easy steps.  These include: 

Step #1: Administer the pretest survey to youth.

Step #2: Select and read the single-lesson script while showing the program slides.

Step #3: Administer the posttest survey to youth. 

Pretest and posttest surveys come in paper and online versions and are designed to provide program implementers with data to evaluate, promote and improve their program over time. 

Customized links and QR codes to online pretest and posttest surveys allowing convenient data collection may be requested from Prevention Plus Wellness at: 

Implementers can choose from two program manual scripts allowing flexible presentation to both individual and groups of youth.     

Presenters simply read the selected script and show the program PowerPoint slides when indicated. 

The PPW lesson consists of three components, including screening youth for their current health habits, providing feedback on each of those behaviors highlighting the benefits of healthy habits and describing how substance use harms the healthy behaviors and self-images, and goal setting to avoid substance use and increase health behavior and positive identity. 

The PPW lesson should be presented in its entirety in one session, which can last from 45-60 minutes. 

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