Pre-posttest data collected as part of program implementation showed improved behavioral intentions and social norms associated with various substance use and wellness behaviors.
Ninth-graders receiving the SPORT PPW program showed increased intentions to eat a variety of healthy foods each day in the next year, and decreased intentions to drink any alcohol and use any marijuana in the next year.
Participating students also perceived an increased number of friends getting eight hours of sleep most nights and eating a variety of healthy foods each day, as well as a decreased number of friends who drank any alcohol and used any marijuana.
These findings are very exciting because behavioral intentions and social norms are highly correlated with actual youth substance use and health behaviors.
National surveys show that American adolescents are at risk for multiple, co-existing substance use and chronic disease producing behaviors that threaten their health and well-being.
Thanks to our prevention partners at the Potomac Highlands Guild for providing the SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness program to high school adolescents, as well as partnering with us to assess its effects on participating youth.
All Prevention Plus Wellness programs include a built-in fidelity and effectiveness monitoring system which eliminates the need to follow up with participants at a later date.
Learn more about the time and cost-saving program evaluation system:
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“The opposite of substance use is not non-use,
it’s wellness!”