NCADD-GDA Receives Training to Provide Evidence-based Screening & Brief Prevention Interventions

NCADD-GDA Receives Training to Provide Evidence-based Screening & Brief Prevention Interventions

Congratulation to the dedicated and talented leadership and members of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence–Greater Detroit Area (NCADD-GDA) for completing live online training yesterday to become Certified SPORT and InShape Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Program Implementers. 

SPORT and InShape PPW programs are evidence-based screening and brief interventions designed to prevent youth and young adult substance use and promote protective wellness behaviors and identities. 

NCADD-GDA’s is a voluntary non-profit agency committed to improving co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders through prevention, education, training, treatment and advocacy in the Metropolitan Detroit Area. 

NCADD-GDA has over 68 years of experience serving people impacted by substance abuse. 

Special thanks to Dr. Benjamin A Jones, PhD, President and CEO, along with L’Tonya Felder, Lauren Stovall, G. Bomani Gray, Tracey King, Veronica Johnson, Emmet Mitchell, Karen McWilliams, Melanie Hwalek, Gerald Wade, Jan Lossing, Karl E. D’Abreu Sr., Angel Reed, Terry Phillips, Marsialle Arbuckle, and Chinwe Obianwu for their outstanding commitment to protect and promote the health and well-being of young people in their region by partnering with Prevention Plus Wellness to provide practical substance use prevention programs that promote wellness lifestyles.  

Learn more about NCADD-GDA: 

Learn more about PPW: 

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