InShape Wellness Weight Loss (WWL) is a quick and easy to use brief intervention for prevention and health professionals, peer leaders and others who want to promote weight loss and weight control among adults through increasing healthy lifestyle behaviors.
InShape WWL is great for promoting the mental and physical wellbeing and resiliency of any group. It’s also the perfect tool for promoting physical activity, healthy eating, food mindfulness, sleep, and stress control, while avoiding unhealthy alcohol and drug misuse that can sabotage weight loss and maintenance efforts.
InShape WWL is founded on the evidence based InShape Prevention Plus Wellness program which has been shown to increase healthy habits and prevent substance misuse. It utilizes an evidence-based practices screening and brief intervention format recognized by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
InShape WWL is the only single-session motivational program designed to reduce and control weight by increasing wellness-enhancing behaviors through weekly goal setting. It can be implemented in any setting including community, health care, professional training, recreation, worksites, and others.
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