The new Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Program Online Pretest and Posttest Surveys are designed to help providers monitor and evaluate their PPW programs with ease and efficiency.
Just show participating youth the survey link or QR code before and after you present the PPW program lesson.
Email request survey data charts and raw data from PPW anytime.
No need to copy and handle paper surveys, or take hours to hand-enter paper survey data for analysis.
PPW Online Surveys are available in two versions.
- Immediate Pretest/Posttest Surveys measuring risk/protective factors associated with substance use and protective health behaviors.
- Health Behavior Pretest/Posttest Survey measure both risk/protective factors and 30-day substance use and healthy behaviors (requires 1-3 month follow-up posttest).
- View the PPW Risk/Protective Factor Survey (for high school & middle school programs):
- View the PPW Risk/Protective Factor Survey (for elementary school children):
- View the PPW Health Behavior Survey:
Request a customized survey link/QR code for your organization at no cost: or call: (904) 472-5022.