A new study published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs examined patterns of alcohol use, marijuana use and related driving behaviors among a sample of college students.
Marijuana-centric/simultaneous engagers had the highest rates of marijuana use, co-use, and related driving behaviors.
Higher perceived danger of driving while high, and higher perceived likelihood of consequences, were associated with low level engagers.
The authors conclude that the study’s results support targeting marijuana-impaired driving risk perceptions in young adult intervention programs.
A related paper was recently published in Student Affairs Today on the ripple effect marijuana laws have on college student conduct offices across the US.
In this article, the author describes several strategies to help colleges manage marijuana legalization on campus as presented at the annual conference for the Association for Student Conduct Administration.
These strategies include:
- Addressing students’ common misconceptions about the legality of pot;
- Keep up with laws in your state and neighboring states;
- Guide students to consider consequences;
- Boost education for students and staff, including RAs;
- Regularly review risk-education programs used as sanctioning tools;
- Review and update policies and procedures;
- Raise awareness about compliance and risks; and
- Know the lingo and trends.
Marijuana awareness training is critical for all college students and staff in order to correct common marijuana myths, norms and beliefs emanating from quickly changing legalization of recreational and medical marijuana in the US, as well as conflicting state and federal laws.
The evidence-informed Marijuana Awareness Media Campaign, as well as e-learning and tailored onsite Marijuana Awareness Training programs offered by Prevention Plus Wellness are excellent resources for colleges, worksites, schools and communities needed to address marijuana legislation changes: https://preventionpluswellness.com/pages/marijuana
Read the research abstract: http://www.jsad.com/doi/abs/10.15288/jsad.2017.78.889
Read the student affairs article abstract:
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