- The National Youth Sports Strategyis a federal roadmap with actionable strategies that parents, coaches, organizations, communities, and policymakers can use to help make sports safe, fun, inclusive, developmentally appropriate, and accessible for all youth.
- Read the Top 10 Things to Know About the National Youth Sports Strategy.
- Check out the National Youth Sports Strategy partner promotion toolkitto find sample social media messages, graphics, and tips for promoting the National Youth Sports Strategy.
- The Move Your Way® Campaignhas over 80 free campaign resources—including fact sheets, posters, videos, and interactive tools—available in English and Spanish that you can use to promote physical activity. These campaign resources can help your audiences learn the benefits of being active and how much activity they need.
- Check out the posters and fact sheetfor parents about sports.
- Add the Move Your Way Parent Interactive Graphic web badgeto your website to direct parents to an interactive tool to see how their kids can get to 60 minutes of physical activity a day.
- Use the CDC State and Community Health Media Centerto customize Move Your Way materials, like updating the photos and adding your organization's logo.
- The PSCFN Science Board, which was reinstated as part of implementation of the NYSS, presented a report and fact sheet at the 2020 PCSFN Annual Meeting.
- Read and share the Science Board Report on Youth Sports [PDF - 3.7 MB].
- Read and share the Fact Sheet on the Benefits of Youth Sports [PDF - 1.9 MB].
- Check out the recent commentary, "Reenvisioning Postpandemic Youth Sport to Meet Young People's Mental, Emotional, and Social Needs" published in the Translational Journal of the American Council on Sports Medicine.