One-Lesson Vaping PPW Program Improves Multiple Health Behavior Intentions Among Elementary School Children

One-Lesson Vaping PPW Program Improves Multiple Health Behavior Intentions Among Elementary School Children

Prevention specialists at ALPHA Behavioral Health Center in Camden, South Carolina implemented the one-lesson Vaping (E-Cigarette) Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program to 138 4th and 5th grade students at an elementary school in Kershaw County.

Healthy Behavior Results

Pretest to posttest survey results showed there was an increase in the percentage of children with intentions to engage in daily healthy behaviors in the next month, including: 

  • Play sports or physical activities (19%),
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep (10%),
  • Eat a variety of healthy foods (10%), and
  • Talk with their parents about their health or health goals (8%). 

In addition, at posttest, most youth had intentions to engage in the healthy behaviors in the next month, including: 

Play sports or physical activities (93%),

Get at least 8 hours sleep (85%),

Eat a variety of healthy foods (91%), and

Talk with their parents about their health (85%). 

Substance Use Results 

There were also increases in the proportion of youth with intentions to NOT try various substances when they become adults, including: 

E-Cigarettes (7%),

Alcohol (6%),

Marijuana (6%), and

Tobacco Cigarettes (5%). 

Further, at posttest, most of the youth had no intentions of trying alcohol and drugs as an adult, including: 

E-Cigarettes (89%),

Alcohol (80%),

Marijuana (96%), and

Tobacco Cigarettes (96%). 


The single-lesson Vaping Prevention Plus Wellness program had a positive influence on increasing intentions to engage in future healthy behaviors, including the Big 3 habits of physical activity, nutrition, and sleep, which are associated with the mental and physical wellbeing of youth. 

At the same time, the Vaping PPW program increased intentions to avoid trying drugs and alcohol in the future, including marijuana, tobacco, e-cigarettes, and alcohol. 

The multiple health risk behavior Vaping Prevention Plus Wellness program may help elementary school children both avoid future substance use and increase their healthy habits. 

Authors: Jessica Berry (ALPHA Behavioral Health Center), Chudley Werch, PhD (Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC) 

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