Online Prevention Program Implementer Training Increases Skills and Confidence

Online Prevention Program Implementer Training Increases Skills and Confidence

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Online Self-Paced Program Implementer Training was completed by 280 prevention and health providers across the US.

Training courses are designed to give teachers, coaches, counselors, nurses and even youth the skills, confidence, and knowledge to provide PPW programs with fidelity and maximum effectiveness.

This training typically takes about two hours and can be viewed at any time convenient for individuals, including day or night, weekdays or weekends, etc.

Participant post-course evaluations showed:

  • 100% practiced reading the program script protocols aloud
  • 100% liked the training at least a little, and 94% liked it a moderate to a great deal
  • 98% said the training was somewhat to extremely helpful
  • 96% said they had moderate to a great deal of comfort in providing the program
  • 97% said they were confident they could accurately follow the protocol with presenting the program
  • 99% said they had moderate to a great deal of confidence they could present the PPW program with a high level of enthusiasm

When asked what did they like best about the online self-paced training courses, participants responded (actual unedited comments):

·         the layout for learning

·         Self Paced

·         that it was informative

·         The training went into a lot of depth about how to administer the program/presentation which I found very helpful. Also, showing examples of the slides during the training was also extremely helpful since I could practice envisioning presenting. I also really liked taking the quizzes.

·         I do like that the presentation went through each scenario specific to individuals and group presentations as well as yes and no answers to the questions. It was very clear about what is to be said.

·         I enjoyed that the various scripts were shown in their entirety.

·         content & scripted lessons

·         Short and too the point.

·         Examples

·         Quick

·         Self guided

·         Self Paced, LMS Used, Interactive Learning Module, Short Videos

·         The simplicity

·         It clearly walked through the various evaluation and support tools

·         the value it brings to youth prevention education

·         The assignments!

·         The content was easy to understand in a short amount of time

·         everything

·         It was fast

·         It was easy to navigate

·         The time commitment was doable

·         the detail

·         The visualization assistance of presenting the program

·         The presenter

·         I liked the videos and how it explained what students will be going over in vast detail

·         The break down of each section of the presentation and survey made it easy to understand and follow along

·         The ease of understanding

·         The discussions

·         user friendly interactive questions

·         I like how we got to interact with others from around the world to see what they were thinking.

·         it was not repetitive

·         I liked being able to read other participants' responses to potential challenges.

·         The PPW powerpoints

·         It was time efficient. The music in the fidelity section was a nice welcome.

·         Fast Paced and informative

·         Ease of access

·         Easy to follow

·         Very to the point

·         I liked that there was a lot of new information that I hadn't learned before

·         Great information

·         The videos that explained the material.

·         The that it is overall health related

·         I liked how the training had many visuals and test throughout. The training was informative and engaging.

·         Self paced, could go back to check information

·         VEry thorough in each step and getting oriented and trained.

·         The flow of it

·         The step by step instructions

·         I liked how interactive the videos were!

·         Research base for alternatives to substance use and healthier choices.

·         That it explained the models the program was based on

·         I like that the content I'm being trained to present, I think it's very important to teach.

·         It simple to follow and it builds from previous courses.

·         Positive promotion of health habits linked to values

·         Pertaining to my training experience, what I liked best was the open forum answers as it allowed for various opinions and voices to be heard which is really valuable when presenting to kids who all have voices that need to be heard to allow Teens for Healthy Youth to do their job.

·         I loved that in each section of the training it gave good examples on how to teach kids about vapes and good habits.

·         The new things I learned, like good nutrition and prevention against bad habits.

·         Giving me information that I could use for the future on why your health is so important to you and why you shouldn’t be using drug substances

·         The practice and the organization

·         How it walked you through everything so I didn't have too many questions

·         The program offers an alternate approach to encouraging kids to stay healthy. The training is broken up into short chunks  that makes it easy to understand and later implement.

·         Clear and precise

·         How to implement prevention

·         How easy the website was to manage.

·         Informative slides and videos

·         Reminder of good eye contact

·         Videos and customer service when assistance was needed

·         That it was very detailed.

·         The encouragement to tailor the slides as needed


·         Online training and checklists, pages, etc I could open in other tabs and bookmark

·         tangible manual in hand and questions to keep me engaged

·         It was easy to follow, also great with the audio and visual learners.

·         I like the step by step walk through of the curriculum as well as the followup practice test throughout

·         The content and teaming healthy behaviors with preventions

·         the opportunity to fully read through the scripts

·         I like how to learn about the different ways PPW works and what is needed to promote PPW

·         The training really has increased my comfort in my ability to present the information.

·         Self paced, the downloads, the links, the equal combination of audio and reading, the participation forms to read about what others are doing with the program, having the manual to look at

·         its was informative

·         It's focus on healthy and striving for a healthy lifestyle instead of just on drugs

·         I liked the variety of learning options such as the discussion and viewing links before proceeding.

·         It was extremely informative and user-friendly!

·         It was self paced. I could go back if I missed something

·         the interactive feature kept me involved

Learn more about Online Self-Paced PPW Program Implementer Training:

Prevention Plus Wellness also provides program implementer and training of trainer workshops live virtually and in-person. 

Check out our training options today:

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