Online SPORT & InShape Prevention Plus Wellness Program Resources & Uses

Online SPORT & InShape Prevention Plus Wellness Program Resources & Uses

Below is a list of related resources and applications of the SPORT and InShape Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs found online.  These materials will help inform prevention and health providers who are considering using the evidence-based single-session SPORT and InShape PPW programs regarding their effectiveness, practicality, integrated prevention with wellness nature, potential funding, and settings for use.

Advocating for Prevention Programs in Schools: Alignment with the National Health Education Standards, American School Health Association (ASHA).  Introduction to substance use prevention and program alignment, and overview of the SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness program:

Children’s Auction Funds to Support Program Aimed at Improving Health, The Laconia Daily Sun. Genesis Behavioral Health was one of several local non-profit organizations to receive a grant from the Greater Lakes Region Children's Auction for programs that work to eliminate or mitigate the need for basic and extended services for children. The funding will support Genesis' implementation of a new youth program, SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness, which will launch later this spring:

InShape Prevention Plus Wellness, Blueprints Fact Sheet. A brief prevention program to improve physical, mental and spiritual well-being of college students, ages 18-21, by connecting positive health habits and images with avoiding risky alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drug use:

InShape Prevention Plus Wellness, Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC,  InShape Prevention Plus Wellness is the nation’s only easy to use, single-session substance use prevention program designed to increase fitness, health and performance-enhancing behaviors like physical activity, exercise, healthy eating, getting adequate sleep, and practicing stress control while avoiding harmful substance use for college students and other young adults:

Opioid STR, Services: Drug Prevention Education, Lourdes.  The Opioid STR program aims to provide the rural areas of Broome County, along with parts of Chenango and Delaware Counties with primary prevention to address the ongoing Opioid epidemic. The program consists of a prevention specialist who provides evidence-based programming in school and summer program settings, for grades K-12 and parents:

Preventing Youth Marijuana Use: Programs and Strategies, CAPT Decision-Support Tools.  This document is designed to help prevention practitioners identify programs that address youth marijuana use by providing brief information on the results associated with such programs, and how and where they have been implemented, including the SPORT and InShape Prevention Plus Wellness programs:

Prevention Matters: Proven Programs to Help Schools Address Substance Use, A Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation Initiative.  Prevention Matters is a three-year grant initiative launched by the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation in 2018 to help Marion County schools identify, implement and sustain proven substance use prevention programs:

Prevention Plus Well, @preventionplusw, Twitter:

Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC, Facebook:

Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC, LinkedIn:

Primary Prevention Services in Unserved/Underserved Communities (New York), Grant Details.  The primary aim of the RFMH/OASAS prevention effort is to deliver evidence-based prevention services to underserved, hard-to-reach youth, and other at-risk populations in afterschool and weekend program settings in underserved communities including upstate urban communities. Applicants will be judged in part on their ability to provide primary prevention services in settings where no such services currently exist:

Programs That Make a Difference, Prevention Focus. Model Programs: Each year, the trained prevention specialists of Preventionfocus serve nearly 5,000 elementary, middle, and high school students through multi-session model curriculum based programs, including SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness:

Prospective Effects of Possible Selves on Alcohol Consumption in Adolescents, Research in Nursing & Health.  Many empirically-supported adolescent alcohol prevention programs focus, at least in part, on intra-individual factors and include interventions to promote goal development (see Across Ages, SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness, and Active Parenting of Teens: Families in Action, in SAMHSA [2014] National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices):

Published Research Evaluating InShape Prevention Plus Wellness, Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC, PreventionPlusWellness.comLike SPORT PPW, the InShape Prevention Plus Wellness program was evaluated in a number of research studies funded by NIH.  The results of these studies presented below were published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Journal of Adolescent Health, and Journal of American College Health:

Published Research Evaluating SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness, Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC, PreventionPlusWellness.comSPORT PPW has been evaluated in several research studies funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  An overview of these studies described below were published in the Journal of School Health, Prevention Science, Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, and Journal of Behavioral Medicine:

SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness, Blueprints Fact Sheet. A health promotion program that highlights the positive image benefits of an active lifestyle to reduce the use of alcohol, tobacco and drug use by high school students in addition to improving their overall physical health:

SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness, Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC,  SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) is the nation’s only easy to use, single-session substance use prevention program designed to increase fitness, health and performance-enhancing behaviors like physical activity, sports participation, healthy eating, getting adequate sleep, and practicing stress control for youth.  SPORT stands for: Substance use Prevention Optimizing Robust Teens (SPORT):

SPORT: An Evidence-Based Practice, Arizona Health Matters.  SPORT is based on the Behavior-Image Model, which asserts that social and self-images are key motivators for the development of healthy behavior. The intervention promotes the benefits of an active lifestyle with positive images of youth as active and fit, and emphasizes that substance use is counterproductive in achieving positive image and behavior goals:

TUPE Grant Aims to Extinguish Teen Tobacco Use, Health Education, Inc., Ninth graders take part in a program on drug, alcohol and tobacco prevention called SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness. It’s the only evidence-based program that connects substance abuse prevention with fitness and health in one easy-to-implement session:

Video: Practical Evidence-based Drug Prevention That Promotes Youth Fitness, Health and Positive Image, Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC,  This brief video highlights the common problem of multiple, co-existing health risks among America’s adolescents and young adults.  It presents programs that integrate substance use prevention with fitness and health promotion as a solution:

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