L.`Boyea posted the following reply on the topic "Challenges with Implementing Your PPW Program" while completing an Online Self-Paced Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Program Implementer Training Course.
Problem: I can foresee some students not wanting to set goals and participate in the program.
Our Response: Presenting the Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) lesson with lots of enthusiasm will help youth become excited about the lesson. Informing youth that goal setting is a key lifestyle strategy practiced by professional athletes, successful entrepreneurs, and other successful individuals will help them see the importance of trying goal setting for improving themselves.
Problem: When in a group setting some students will not report the truth about their usage.
Our Response: PPW program lessons do not involve asking youth to report their substance use in a group setting. The Screening Survey asks youth about their substance use and healthy behaviors, but this information is to help them become more aware of their current health habits. Youth are not asked to share their health habits with others and the Screening Survey is not collected by the implementer in a group setting. We agree that if you ask youth to report their substance use in a group they will likely feel social pressure to either under or over-represent their actual use.
Solution: I think that offering a wellness group after school will help with encouragement.
Our Response: We think this is a great solution for helping youth continue to set and monitor weekly health behavior goals, and receive support from adults, parents, and their classmates. The more opportunities youth are given to set weekly goals the greater they are likely to experience increases in self-regulation skills and self-efficacy.