Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) is donating 10 evidence-informed Opioid PPW Media Campaigns to coalitions across America for use as part of their activities during CADCA’s Dose of Prevention Challenge in October.
The ready-to-implement Opioid Prevention Plus Wellness Media Campaign was designed to correct myths, misconceptions, and norms about prescription opioid misuse, increase awareness of opioid harm, provide positive youth and adult role models, enhance positive self-identity, increase youth self-regulation skills to set healthy behavior goals, and develop protective wellness lifestyles.
The 10 coalitions/organizations randomly chosen to receive a free Opioid PPW Media Campaign include:
- YLI Club Live, Fresno, CA
- It Takes a Community Drug & Alcohol Prevention Coalition, Elma, NY
- Community Builders Network, Charlottesville, Virginia
- Cornerstone, Greenwood, SC
- Piscataquis Youth Substance Use Prevention, Dover ME
- SAFIR Coalition, Vero Beach, FL
- Kent Prevention Coalition, Warwick, RI
- Iredell County Health Department, Statesville, NC
- Prince George's County Drug Free Coalition, Largo MD
- Newton County Community Coalition Springfield, MO
Coalitions not selected to receive a free Opioid PPW Media Campaign can purchase a Campaign at 50% off through September 30th, 2023.
Just enter the code: Opioid50 when checking out to get half-off the regular purchase price of an Opioid PPW Media Campaign: