- List Prevention Plus Wellness Parent Program components and options.
- Identify why parents’ communications with youth/young adults should address both preventing substance use and promoting wellness behaviors to improve their physical and mental health.
- Explore a 3-step evidence-based model for providing brief messages and goal planning experiences with youth/young adults that integrates prevention with wellness.
- Review and practice providing brief tailored messages and goal planning that addresses both prevention and wellness for youth/young adults.
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tXVp9ZXlQxC588I8_boy2g
Length: 1-hour
Date: Wednesday April 21st
Time: 12:00pm ET/9:00am PT
CEU Certificate: CEU certificate available upon completing webinar
Learn more about PPW Parent Programs: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/prevention-plus-wellness-parent-programs