Prevention Specialists Evaluate the Online PPW Program Implementer Training Workshop

Prevention Specialists Evaluate the Online PPW Program Implementer Training Workshop

Prevention and health professionals from across the country recently attended the two-hour online Prevention Plus Wellness Program Implementer Workshop.  After the training, participants completed a confidential online evaluation survey.  Highlights of the survey results are shown below. 

  • 100% said they liked the online PPW Program Implementer training a great deal to a lot.
  • 100% said the online training was extremely to very helpful. 

What did you like the best about the online workshop? 

  • I liked that it was visual and very easy to follow
  • How clear the instruction is
  • Uses a wellness approach and not scare tactics
  • Everything
  • It was very interactive, allowing for questions as well as feedback
  • Seeing the actual slides and program script
  • Asking questions and getting answers
  • The trainer was great!
  • It’s user-friendly
  • The concept of wholistic prevention
  • Enthusiasm of the trainer
  • It was very helpful 

Learn more about the popular two-hour online PPW Program Implementer Workshop:

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