The Cost of Implementing Prevention Plus Wellness Programs

The Cost of Implementing Prevention Plus Wellness Programs

We talk a lot about the great benefits of our powerful single-session Prevention Plus Wellness programs and training for protecting and improving the overall health of youth and young adults, but rarely do we discuss cost.

A participant attending our recent free online training session on “Practical Evidence-Based Prevention Plus Wellness Programs” stated they wished I would have mentioned the cost of implementing a Prevention Plus Wellness program. 

So let me answer that question here.

All of our programs, including the evidence-based SPORT and InShape Prevention Plus Wellness interventions as well as our evidence-informed Vaping, Marijuana, Opioid and SPORT 2 Prevention Plus Wellness programs are $499 each.    

This cost includes a program manual with scripts to provide the program to youth or young adults individually and in groups, as well as a digital download of all reproducible materials allowing the program owner to provide the PPW intervention to as many young people as they wish for as long as they wish.

The good news is this is a one-time purchase with no need to purchase additional youth or instructor materials.

In addition, our convenient Live 2-Hour Online Prevention Plus Wellness Program Implementer Training Workshop, designed to ensure you provide your PPW program with fidelity and maximum effectiveness, is just $199 per implementer.

So together, the program materials and training total cost is $698.  If you implemented one of our programs to just one young person, the cost would be $698. 

However, if you provided your PPW program to 100 youth, the individual youth cost would drop to just $6.98 per participant.  And of course, if you provided your PPW program to 1000 youth over time, your cost per would be just 69 cents per youth!

Research provided by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy reports that the Benefit to Cost Ratio for SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness is $5.81 and for InShape Prevention Plus Wellness the Benefit to Cost Ratio is $1.41. 

The bottom line is Prevention Plus Wellness programs provide some of the lowest cost and best cost to benefit ratios among all evidence-based substance use prevention programs. 

Plus, the more you use your PPW program the less expensive it becomes per participant. 

Since most Prevention Plus Wellness programs are just one-session they can be used to reach nearly ALL youth and young adults in an organization, region or state with critical prevention strategies that other multi-session prevention programs cannot achieve.   

So please implement your cost-effective Prevention Plus Wellness program as often and long as possible to protect and promote the health and well-being of youth and young adults in your region.

For more information about PPW programs and training:

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