Here is a new article titled “Understanding the Highs and Lows of Adolescent Marijuana Use” published in Pediatrics and posted on AAP News & Journals Gateway.
The good news reported in this paper is that Monitoring the Future data indicate the number of adolescents reporting no alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use increased from 2.9% in 1983 to 25% in 2013.
However, marijuana use has leveled off among US adolescents, and perceived harmfulness has decreased during the last 20 years.
One example of the effects of marijuana legislation on youth use is in Colorado, where adolescent users increased 20% in the two years immediately after legalization, whereas rates fell 4% nationally.
Legalization has also led to:
- Greater concentrations of THC in marijuana, exposing users to higher levels of the drug than ever before;
- Number of daily users greatly increasing, as attitudes against use weakens;
- New edible products becoming widely available, increasing the number of users and health risks; and
- Problems like Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome and psychiatric symptoms becoming more common among regular and heavy users.
The main implication of these changes is that there is a critical need for greatly increasing prevention and education efforts to correct myths and misconceptions regarding marijuana’s harmlessness because it is “natural” or “legal.”
These messages should be provided by all youth serving professionals, including teachers, healthcare professionals, youth leaders, as well as parents.
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