A new study published in Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment examined Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) as a universal approach in school settings.
Results supported SBIRT as a feasible and potentially effective strategy for substance use among current adolescent users in high schools.
Another evidence-based screening and brief intervention approach designed specifically as a universal prevention strategy for youth and young adults is Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW).
PPW programs include the SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness screening and brief intervention for youth, and the InShape Prevention Plus Wellness program for college aged young adults.
Prevention Plus Wellness programs differ from SBIRT in a variety of key ways. Specifically, PPW programs are:
- Designed as universal substance use prevention programs
- Based on the Behavior-Image Model
- Target positive peer and future desired images
- Promote multiple health and fitness habits
- Include multiple health behavior goal setting
- Use scripted implementation protocols
- Can be implemented individually or in a group
- Can be implemented by adults and youth leaders
- Designed to allow an immediate pre-posttest fidelity and outcomes evaluation
Like SBIRT and other screening and brief interventions, training in the implementation of Prevention Plus Wellness programs is critical to learn how to implement them with fidelity and maximum effectiveness.
For this reason, Prevention Plus Wellness offers Onsite Certified Program Implementer Workshops at no additional cost for groups of adults and/or youth leaders.
Program implementer and Training of Trainer Workshops are provided in one day, allowing busy prevention providers and youth leaders to participate.
For more information on hosting an Onsite PPW Training Workshop for your region or state: https://preventionpluswellness.com/pages/host-a-program-training-workshop
Read the SBIRT research abstract: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1178221817746668
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