A wide range of SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs are available for youth in elementary, middle, and high school athletics and physical education, as well as convenient online program implementer training for coaches, trainers, teachers, and youth leaders.
Several features of SPORT PPW programs were designed specifically for school sports and physical education, including that they:
- Target lifestyle behaviors like physical activity and sports, healthy nutrition, sleep, stress control, and goal setting to improve performance in sports and school
- Prevent alcohol, marijuana, e-cigarette, and opioid use/misuse which harms performance as well as mental and physical wellbeing
- Are evidence-based and can be implemented in a single 45-minute lesson
- Can be provided to youth during a sports or school physical exam, PE class, coaching session, or by sending youth a link to a virtual lesson
- Are tailored to youth’s individual healthy behavior needs and interests
- Are easily administered using a script and PowerPoint slides, or a self-administered video
- Can be evaluated for their effectiveness using online pretest and posttest surveys
Learn more about SPORT PPW program and training resources on our website: https://preventionpluswellness.com
For questions or to set up a brief Zoom call: info@preventionpluswellness.com or call: (904) 472-5022.